Apr. 152011

The London Researches
(links to all the picture pages below, but please read the text first.)

 In March / April 2007, I had the luck to be able to travel to London and do some researches, during which I took almost 1,500 pictures.
The following pages are the result of those researches, and many of the pictures I took are published on them. All the pictures have been scaled down by me to at least 50% of their original size for traffic.- and space reasons. I still do have the originals, however, so if anyone should have the need for hi-resoluted pictures – just email me, my address is given at the bottom of each page.

Just a short note; I’m by far not claiming that my pictures show just about *everything* the museums and other places listed below have to offer.
Instead I’d rather say that I have missed photographing a *lot* of things there (and probably also missed seeing a lot of things there – those Museums are *huge*…!).
For example, the basement of the Museum of London was closed for renovations during the time of my stay.
And the entire British Galleries 1800-until-today-section at the V&A was also closed when I visited them (and would, of course, re-open two days after my departure from London…). The medieval department also currently undergoes heavy re-decoration, so I couldn’t see much of that, also.
Plus, I’m rather focused on clothing, textiles, furniture and jewelry, I’m not the least bit interested in glass-, silver- and dishware items, nor am I too fond of Asian clothing and lifestyle.

What I do strongly suggest, however, is that you don’t just look at my pictures, but try everything to get to those museums yourself to see the items I photographed with your own eyes.
It *does* make a difference, believe me.

Various pictures
Various pictures I took at quite a few places in London

British Museum
Lots of Egyptian, Grecian, Near- and far East and a bit of Celtic and European stuff, too.

Globe Theatre
In- and exterior and costume exhibit

Museum of London
Medieval-, renaissance- and Elizabethan clothing and accessories – oh, and some bits and pieces of my „Phoenix gown“ examination on a very own page…

Victoria and Albert museum
The marvelous interior if the V&A; Cast courts, with extra page for Beatrice D’Este’s tomb; Textiles and laces of various centuries, from Medieval to early Victorian; Indian clothing at the V&A; 1920-modern clothing at V&A with an extra page for Lady Diana’s „Elvis“ dress; Edwardian clothing at V&A, Victorian clothing at V&A, Regency clothing at V&A, Rococo (subdivided in several pages for Women’s clothing, Men’s and clerical clothing, Paintings and statues and Interior); Elizabethan lifestyle at the V&A; Renaissance at the V&A

Madame Tussaud’s
With extra pages for the Pirates wax figures, the Six wives and Henry VIII as well as personae from showbiz and, last not least, history.

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