Mai 082011

Costumes of and thoughts and studies on the ‚Chronicles of Riddick‘

This is a work in progress. Almost all images I wanted to have here *are* already here, but some of the costume descriptions are still missing my descriptions, which I will have to copy to the appropriate places. This takes some time… as I have so far worked almost a year on them, but just now feel that I have come to a point where I can actually publish them.
Currently still missing: Descriptions for Vaako, Lord Marshal, Necro Armor, Necro Various (partially). I also tend to still find bits and pieces of information for the other costumes; so be prepared that I might still add something to the already written up pages.
This Riddick Chronicles movie study holds over 30MB of picture- and description data, and even if all images have been thumbnailed, you better take your time, because the loading of the pages can probably be a bit slow depending on your internet connection.
If you should have any suggestions or comments, or more pictures which I could add to my site, just drop me a line – my email address is given at the bottom of each page.

Costumes by characters:

Script: Theatrical vs. Director’s Cut:


Useful links for TCoR (The Chronicles of Riddick): – Official movie site – IMDB entry for this movie – Fan site with excessive information on all Riddick movies and games.
Note that at the moment (June / July 2011), Pitcherblacker seems to be down (as in: It doesn’t show the content that it USED to show!); and I’m not sure if it will ever get back online again.
I’ve tried to contact Bruce, the owner, when the site went down but didn’t get a reply. So I’m unlinking the site on this link list but will keep an eye on it in case it goes back online. At any rate, you can find an archived version of that site here on – TCoR picture gallery with hi-res promotion pictures from the movie

Navigation for this part of the page:
[catlist categorypage=yes]

  4 Responses to “Chronicles of Riddick”

Comments (4)
  1. Hi Bruce:

    I am interested in one particular costume article – a hat.

    It is a „Pill Box“ style hat, leather, tan or brown in color, with an irregular – difficult to describe pattern on it. It is worn by a subbordinate character who had a wife and young daughter, and was killed early in the movie. His entire wardrobe had a mid-eastern appearance.

    I’d like to buy or make one. Any comments will be appreciated.
    Thank you,

  2. Hi there;

    Sadly, the doman got poached for some reason when my ISP screwed up. I’m pretty much too busy to run a fansite anymore anyway, so it’s very unlikely I will ever revive it. Thanks.


    • Hi Bruce,
      thank you for leaving a message 🙂
      I tried to contact you (I think via Youtube) when your site first went down, but apparently it didn’t really work. I would have loved to taken over the contents of your site just to save them!

      Best wishes,

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