Juli 252013
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Some pics from building the Rebel Legion booth at Star Wars Celebration Europe II in Essen; taken Thursday, July 25th 2013.
I’m now an exhibitor – my Queen Apailana costume including the headdress is on display at Star Wars Celebration in Essen 🙂
While putting the costume on display, I took the chance to take a few pics of the Rebel Legion booth as well as the surrounding booths – such as the R2 Builder’s Club, the 501st and Saberproject.
[lg_folder folder=“Events/CelebrationEurope/Thursday“ cols=“4″]
More tomorrow 🙂
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One Response to “Star Wars Celebration Europe II, Essen, 2013 – Thursday”
Comments (1)
Can’t wait to see all of your pictures for CE! Am anticipating your outfits!