Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe (Museum for art and business)
Hamburg, Germany
It’s almost impossible to list everything exhibited in that museum – it’s giant, and the exhibited items are just a small part of the museum’s inventory. The exhibits change often. If I should see something else that seems interesting when I visit the museum again, I will picture it here.
Elizabethan paintings and tapestries:
Elizabethan Lifestyle:
Elizabethan jewelry:
(See that sphere in the second picture? *Just* like what Elizabeth I. wears in the „Rainbow“ portrait… and the eagle in the fifth picture reminds me of the Pelican/Phoenix jewelry…
Baroque/Rococo paintings & costumes:
Empire gowns:
Exhibit of gowns from 1900-1950:
Yes – the red gowns in the two first pictures *are* real Fortuny gowns *does a happy dance*
The first one is a Delphos dress, world famous. I must say that I have *never* seen so fine crushed/pleated fabric before; just from pictures one could always get the impression that the pleating is much larger. In reality each pleat is just about 2mm small.